Friday, 12 November 2010

Analysis of Audience

Before we decide exactly what to do for the opening of our film, we knew from the original response to brief that  market research would have to be carried out. This included an analysis of the audience. For this, we set up an online questionnaire of around 20 questions on survey monkey and analysing the helped to finalise key decisions as to what the audience would want. Most participants of the survey were males and females aged 15-21.

For example, the following question (presented in a bar graph) advised us as to what the opening should include to attract the majority.

Another example (as presented in a pie chart for easy analysis) was this question about genre. From this we decided to create a product that incorporated both action and thriller themes as it would attract half of those who took the survey as opposed to just one genre as it would attract a smaller audience meaning less interest and less profit made after exhibition. 

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